Today, the wise Noah Gift weighs pros and cons of data science learning options (university degrees vs online certifications; full-time vs on-the-job) as well as how MLOps can quickly make you exponentially more impactful.
Noah has worked in countless technical leadership roles. He held the roles at companies ranging from tech start-ups he founded to prominent institutions like ABC, Caltech, and AT&T. Today, Noah’s founder of a consultancy called Pragmatic AI Labs — and he devises and teaches data science curricula at several of the most prestigious American universities, including Duke, Northwestern, and Berkeley. He has written eight books, including the bestselling Python for DevOps and the forthcoming Practical MLOps.
On top of all that incredible background, Noah has rich, well-formed life philosophies, which we dig into into detail. I learned a ton from him during this episode, and have been thinking about concepts we discussed time and again since filming. I highly recommend checking the episode out!
You can listen or watch here.