Engineer and computer scientist Dr. Wardah Inam has raised $79m in venture capital to transform dentistry with machine learning. Hear about it, as well as her tips for scaling an A.I. company, in this week's episode.
• Is Co-Founder/CEO of Overjet, which is transforming dentistry with ML.
• Co-founded uLink Technologies, a start-up behind A.I.-driven power grids.
• Served as Lead Product Manager at Q Bio, a healthcare A.I. start-up.
• Was a Postdoc in MIT’s renowned CSAIL (Computer Science and A.I. Lab).
• Holds an MIT PhD in electrical engineering and computer science.
Today’s episode focuses more on practical applications of ML and growing an A.I. company than getting into the nitty-gritty of ML models themselves, so it should be broadly appealing to both technically-oriented and business-oriented folks.
In the episode, Wardah details:
• How Overjet not only classifies images but quantifies dental diagnoses with computer vision, enabling models to answer questions like “how large is this cavity?”
• How natural language processing can be essential for determining the correct dental diagnosis.
• The data-labeling challenges firms like Overjet need to overcome to enable ML models to learn from noisy, real-world data.
• Her tips for building a successful A.I. business.
• What she looks for in the data scientists and software engineers she hires.
The SuperDataScience show's available on all major podcasting platforms, YouTube, and at